Meet Noah

Where We Are Now...
As we continued to watch our sweet baby Noah grow on each sonogram and my belly too, we fell more and more in love with him and had less and less fear.
It was at our 23-week appointment, we were having an anatomy scan for the second trimester, to us, everything looks normal. But, we received the news that they couldn't see all 4 chambers of the heart and has a very complex heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. We were given the heartbreaking option to terminate the pregnancy, be sent home on ‘comfort care’ after he is born, or, if his case qualified, put him through three open-heart surgeries that could potentially prolong his life. It was easy for us to decide to give our little guy every chance at life we can.
The next few weeks consisted of lots of appointments and deciding where the best facility was for Noah to get treatment. Our vision of welcoming our first baby quickly changed. Ultimately, we decided to go to the top hospital in the nation for cardiology where we will deliver baby Noah and undergo his first two surgeries there. We are required to live there for at least six months until we complete the second surgery.
As we have walked through this journey for such a short time, in a blink of an eye, our lives and vision of welcoming our new baby, changed. Instead of getting a nursery ready in our home, we were packing boxes to move into a temporary place not knowing when we will return. We have felt all the emotions; sadness, fear, anger, shock but our relationship has grown closer and closer, and we have had to lean on our faith more than ever. We know that God has chosen us to be Noah's parents for a reason, even though we don't understand exactly what that reason is right now, we know one day it will make sense.