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"Laughing After Lemons became a vision that sprouted after my journey with lots of LEMONS."

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About Laughing After Lemons 


Lemons can be small or big, they can seem to blossom all at once, or in stages. They can start off bitter and sour and end up turning sweet as they ripen. Laughing After Lemons became a vision that sprouted after my journey with lots of LEMONS. I wanted to create a platform to connect with others dealing with lemons, big or small, and inspire positivity and empowerment on overcoming these obstacles and turning them into something SWEET. 


As we get into the nitty gritty of why I started Laughing After Lemons, I will mention that this is just the first blossom of what we have envisioned it to become.

Meet Kasie


I was a youngin, turning the ripe age of thirteen. I underwent an eight hour plus surgery that was discovered to be thyroid cancer. Cancer: a word a thirteen-year-old girl never expects to hear and definitely does not know how to react to. After that, I rolled right into isolation and my 87-pound body was filled with radioactive iodine to kill the remaining cells. The nurses said the medicine made me ‘glow’ in the dark. It sounded cool back then.


“It’s a good kind of cancer,” the doctor said. All that meant to me was that I was lucky. If they gave me the medicine I would be cured for life, right? Wrong. I didn’t realize the impact it would have on everything to come...forever. 


Join Us On Our Journey 


Welcome to the start of our blog, as we get through one of the biggest, most sour lemons that we have tasted thus far, our newborns fight with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. We hope our story and a glimpse into the lives of others that have overcome many varieties of triumphs, can help bring someone hope, faith, and courage as they go through this crazy journey called life and maybe even inspire you to go make some fresh-squeezed lemonade!

Where We Are Now


Brandon and I live in a small town outside of Austin. We are recently engaged and married! With my health history, I was well aware that it would be more difficult to have children. And after multiple early pregnancy losses the past year, it hit us hard that it may be more difficult than we thought. We continued to remain positive, ran tests to see what was going on and then only a couple weeks later - I was pregnant again!


Afraid of yet another loss, every appointment was a bit nerve-racking, but we were thrilled week by week as we saw the little heartbeat on the monitor. ​​

Noah Riley


At 13 weeks, we found out we were having a little boy! A name came to us immediately, that just seemed right, Noah Riley.

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